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Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by Nightjar Fri Mar 01, 2019 11:22 pm

OK, as a broader/more specific version of the old 'epic chord change' thread from the ghost version of HotW, I thought I'd start a thread devoted to epic chord changes, sequences and all-round cr*ndle rippling instances of thrilling chord-changes/sequencesings...

Peak Freans

Anyborrrhh.. zzzhglugles...

You more technically musically-minded of you out there - what is that makes me go all funny when the chord sequence goes darkly minor during the chorus sections (first heard at about 1:44) and encompassing the "No one gets hurt" bit.

If I could distill that progression of chords that are manifest across the whole chorus section I'd inject it into my brain and permanently experience that agonisingly wonderful thing forever something like a permanent lugubrious b*rkgasm.

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Re: Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by The Call of the Wendigo Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:07 am

As far as I can tell, at the start of that section, the first two chords just repeat the first two chords of the preceding verses, so that, initially, nothing actually changes. After that, they go off in a different direction which reminds me of the chords from Eddie and the Hot Rods' Do Anything You Wanna Do.

I think the main reason for the change in mood is the way the drums suddenly come in on that section, making it sound more forceful and assertive. Also, in the verse, the second chord switches from A major to A minor, creating a sense of emotional reticence, whereas on the section in question, it stays major. In the verse, it then goes to Em but on the section in question, it changes to the noticeably higher F#m instead and then D, giving a sense of upward momentum that the verse lacks.


chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Bunnyd10
The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Re: Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by The Call of the Wendigo Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:32 am

Surf's Up. I have always been impressed by the chord change at 1:35 when the bit that goes, "Dove nested towers, the hour was...." starts. The Internet tells me that that section starts with G#6, when the song had previously been making very heavy use of Gm7, creating a noticeable shift in mood. Playing it on my guitar would appear to confirm that it does indeed do this.

chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Bunnyd10
The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Re: Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by Fangirl Three Sat Mar 02, 2019 7:43 am

I like anything that starts with a 7th. Like the Galaxy Song and the Captain Pugwash theme.

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Re: Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by The Call of the Wendigo Tue Nov 26, 2019 10:54 pm

I do think that Macca's Magic has one of the most magnificent chord sequences I've ever heard. Kicking off with a great big Fmaj7 then into Am, C, Am, Em, G, Dm, G and then C.

It then brings back the Fmaj7 for the start of the middle section, alternating between it and C for the rest of that section before hitting Dm7 and then G to take us back into the verse. I can't think of anything else that sounds quite like it or has such a sweeping feel to it and it's all thanks to that Fmaj7. You always think of it as being a wishy-washy chord but, here, it sounds incredibly bold and assertive, pushing the song ever forward.

It's also helped in that sense of irresistible forward motion by a brilliant bass line.

Last edited by The Call of the Wendigo on Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:30 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : video replacement)

chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Bunnyd10
The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Re: Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by The Call of the Wendigo Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:02 pm

That's Entertainment by The Jam. One of the few chord sequences that you can sing and people will instantly know what it is.

chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Bunnyd10
The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Re: Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by The Call of the Wendigo Fri Aug 26, 2022 9:27 am

What chord is the open strings of a guitar?

I've always wondered that.

chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Bunnyd10
The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Re: Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by The Call of the Wendigo Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:02 am

It is Em7(add4).

How surprisingly unexotic. aristojar

chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Bunnyd10
The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Re: Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by SiberianPrincess’sMidriff Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:19 am

The Call of the Wendigo wrote:That's Entertainment by The Jam. One of the few chord sequences that you can sing and people will instantly know what it is.

You can't sing chord sequences. Colbert

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Re: Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by Nightjar Fri Aug 26, 2022 1:17 pm

I wish I could remember what the song I was referring to in the OP was. bawl

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chords - Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise) Empty Re: Killer chords - chords that kill us (epic and otherwise)

Post by Fangirl Three Fri Aug 26, 2022 2:18 pm

SiberianPrincess’sMidriff wrote:
The Call of the Wendigo wrote:That's Entertainment by The Jam. One of the few chord sequences that you can sing and people will instantly know what it is.

You can't sing chord sequences. Colbert

You can if you have 2 or 3 friends.

' "Haven't got houses." Where do they live then?'
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