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Albums that give you helpful Pronunciation Advise Empty Albums that give you helpful Pronunciation Advise

Post by Guest Fri Feb 01, 2019 3:14 am

Albums that give you helpful Pronunciation Advise R-2060114-1273584217.jpeg


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Albums that give you helpful Pronunciation Advise Empty Re: Albums that give you helpful Pronunciation Advise

Post by Fangirl Three Fri Feb 01, 2019 7:15 am

The serpent bearer. This image refers to the idea that Oph. is somehow the 13th zodiacal sign because the ecliptic now passes through an area of the sky which is assigned to the modern constellation Ophiuchus.

Albums that give you helpful Pronunciation Advise Oph10

That's nonsense if you ask me, cos the zodiacal signs and their astrological significance date from at least 1000 BC, whereas the modern constellation boundaries weren't drawn up till 1928.
Fangirl Three
Fangirl Three

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Albums that give you helpful Pronunciation Advise Empty Re: Albums that give you helpful Pronunciation Advise

Post by Guest Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:42 am

Albums that give you helpful Pronunciation Advise Tenor

Ok, I'll be one who has to do it then;
Albums that give you helpful Pronunciation Advise Aplp363-45_800x800_a89a1925-753c-4d47-91f3-dc30ec13c611


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