How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Hitskin_logo

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How many people have blocked you on Twitter?

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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_lcap100%How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_rcap 100% 
[ 2 ]
How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_lcap0%How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_lcap0%How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_lcap0%How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_lcap0%How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_lcap0%How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_lcap0%How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_lcap0%How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_lcap0%How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 2

How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Empty How many people have blocked you on Twitter?

Post by Guest Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:07 pm


How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Crop-jd-twitter


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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Empty Re: How many people have blocked you on Twitter?

Post by Fangirl Three Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:33 pm

I don't know how one can arrive at a figure, other than attempting to read every Twitter account there is and tallying the results.

I've blocked loads of people myself, you have to to make it usable.

On Facebook I've currently blocked 1786 people. It would be a lot more but I brought in a rule of never reading the comments on anything political - before that I'd end up blocking the first 20 commenters on each post.

' "Haven't got houses." Where do they live then?'
Fangirl Three
Fangirl Three

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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Empty Re: How many people have blocked you on Twitter?

Post by Guest Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:38 pm

Fangirl Three wrote:
On Facebook I've currently blocked 1786 people.



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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Empty Re: How many people have blocked you on Twitter?

Post by The Call of the Wendigo Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:47 pm

I don't think anyone's ever blocked me.

But I could be wrong. scared

How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Bunnyd10
The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

Posts : 143999
Karma : 1151
Join date : 2018-05-02

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How many people have blocked you on Twitter? Empty Re: How many people have blocked you on Twitter?

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