Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Hitskin_logo

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Lisa Stansfield or Yazz?

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Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Vote_lcap33%Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Vote_rcap 33% 
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Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Vote_lcap0%Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Vote_lcap33%Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Vote_rcap 33% 
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Total Votes : 6

Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Empty Lisa Stansfield or Yazz?

Post by The Call of the Wendigo Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:03 pm

Lisa Stansfield!


They were both given their big break by Coldplay Coldcut but which is best?

Vote! Vote now!! rant

Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Bunnyd10
The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Empty Re: Lisa Stansfield or Yazz?

Post by Butterfield Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:49 pm

I've voted for Yazz as she feels that bit more rare and she blasted onto the charts with a unique sense of fun and excitement; Lisa Stansfield always felt a bit more... staid or something. But Lisa had the more major career and vast array of songs, of which I like a lot of them.

So in reality I like more Lisa songs but find Yazz that bit more unique, rare and exciting.

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Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Empty Re: Lisa Stansfield or Yazz?

Post by Zarniwoop Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:25 pm

I voted for Lisa on account of seeing her in concert only a few years ago and somehow getting "VIP" or whatever seats and a lot of, rather nice, eye contact....Mmmmm stop it

She was probably thinking "Who the **** are those 2 sitting there"

Cos she does swear a bit.

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Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Empty Re: Lisa Stansfield or Yazz?

Post by Nightjar Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:39 pm

Yazz went to my secondary school.

Also, I was in a group-psychotherapy group in the '90s and there was a woman in it whose brother was married to Lisa Stansfield.

She claimed that both of them bullied and victimised and belittled her constantly.

Tragically, with her dark pixie cut, pale makeup and red lipstick, she seemed to have styled herself exactly on the pop star Lisa Stansfield. sad yes

Pick the bones out of that one. banana bones

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Lisa Stansfield or Yazz? Empty Re: Lisa Stansfield or Yazz?

Post by Fangirl Three Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:53 am

I remember seeing Lisa Stansfield in August 1989 on whatever the Saturday morning kids' show was called at that time, awarding a prize to a caller. The prize was Lisa Stansfield's latest album. 'Go on, give her something decent,' said whatever Andy Crane was called at that time, gesturing to a pile of superior prizes.

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