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 Perfect experiences

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Posts : 5425
Karma : 215
Join date : 2019-08-14

Perfect experiences Empty
PostSubject: Perfect experiences   Perfect experiences EmptySat Jun 20, 2020 11:13 am

Inspired by the weather thread, I thought we lacked a thread for perfect experiences. This is a thread where perfect experiences, unsullied by the more prosaic troubles of life, can be shared and celebrated.

A perfect experience of mine was my very first night in Marrakech. After the excitement of a rotary dial telephone on the bedside table, I swallowed half a sleeping pill and took the half joint I'd been gifted out onto my bougainvillea draped balcony overlooking the pool. It was still 41c at 1am and the floor of the balcony was almost too hot to stand on. Everything was beautiful and delicately lit, the air heavy and scented. There followed a night of dreamless sleep.

Another was a particularly hot night, unable to sleep in my grandparents villa in the Algarve. The window was open and just the decorative grill offered security. I turned and became aware that the pattern of it was projected onto and moving across the wall. I heard a distant gathering. I slipped out and ventured in the direction of the light and sound - through the citrus groves immediately opposite. A group of gypsies were in a clearing beside a small fire being used to toast food, playing guitars and dancing with abandon. Watching them party was a perfect experience.
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Posts : 5425
Karma : 215
Join date : 2019-08-14

Perfect experiences Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perfect experiences   Perfect experiences EmptySat Jun 20, 2020 11:28 am

Re spilled tea on the internet. How perfect it would be to experience the contracting of chlamydia from Timothee Chalamet. Such is the stuff of which dreams are made.
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Join date : 2018-05-05

Perfect experiences Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perfect experiences   Perfect experiences EmptySat Jun 20, 2020 12:16 pm

I'm having a cup of tea.

It's all nice.

Have you ever seen a Squonk's tears?
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PostSubject: Re: Perfect experiences   Perfect experiences Empty

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