YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them Hitskin_logo

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 YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them

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The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them Empty
PostSubject: YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them   YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them EmptySun Mar 14, 2021 10:08 am

I keep watching videos about Day Trading, even though I don't understand anything that's being said. bawl

YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them Bunnyd10
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The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them Empty
PostSubject: Re: YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them   YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them EmptySun Mar 14, 2021 10:09 am

I keep hoping that, at some point, it'll all make sense. bawl

YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them Bunnyd10
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YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them Empty
PostSubject: Re: YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them   YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them EmptySun Mar 14, 2021 11:44 am

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YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them Empty
PostSubject: Re: YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them   YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them EmptySun Mar 14, 2021 5:49 pm

In relation to this, about 10yrs ago I got my BSc in Physics, this involved modules in Relativity,Cosmology,Exoplanets etc which was ok-ish.....I wanted to turn this into a MSc, to do this I needed to do a module on Quantum Mechanics.
Absolutely no chance of me grasping this even though I keep trying, which I will continue to do but at the age of 60......well.
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YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them Empty
PostSubject: Re: YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them   YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them EmptyFri Dec 17, 2021 7:42 am

I can't wait for the Todd in the Shadows 10 worst songs of 2021 where he lists 10 songs I've never heard of Excited

Or the 10 best songs, hmn
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YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them Empty
PostSubject: Re: YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them   YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them Empty

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YouTube videos you watch, even though you don't understand them
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