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 Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.

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The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty
PostSubject: Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.   Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. EmptyMon Sep 19, 2022 9:19 pm

The thread that does what it does on the tin.

Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Bunnyd10
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The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.   Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. EmptyMon Sep 19, 2022 9:19 pm

The bloke from OMD.

Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Bunnyd10
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The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.   Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. EmptyMon Sep 19, 2022 9:24 pm

The bloke from Deacon Blue.

Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Bunnyd10
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Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.   Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. EmptyMon Sep 19, 2022 9:27 pm

The new Ride single has got a good beat.

a "couldn't care less, come on life ... amuse me, merchant"
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Fangirl Three

Fangirl Three

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Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.   Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. EmptyTue Sep 20, 2022 6:18 am

Our English teacher was a singer. He unexpectedly got on stage at the end of a controversial Live Aid concert at the school and provided vocals for a blistering version of Got My Mojo Working.

(The controversy arose from the band having earlier said 'This one's for Nelson Mandela' and played White Riot).

I think the band must have been jealous of him grabbing all the attention though, because one of them was subsequently expelled for w*eing through his letterbox.

I heard recently that he (Teach, not the w*er) was sacked a few years later when his Film Society, which received generous funding from the school, was revealed to have zero members and fictitious activities. He'd been using the money to fund his annual holidays.

' "Haven't got houses." Where do they live then?'
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Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.   Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. EmptyTue Sep 20, 2022 9:09 am

Our history teacher looked like Kate Bush. Kinda.

a "couldn't care less, come on life ... amuse me, merchant"
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Fangirl Three

Fangirl Three

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Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.   Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. EmptyTue Sep 20, 2022 2:11 pm

I didn't know Kate Bush was in Kinda Excited

' "Haven't got houses." Where do they live then?'
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Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.   Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. EmptyTue Sep 20, 2022 3:21 pm

She was the back end of the pantomime snake. high style Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. 86BPMwp

Have you ever seen a Squonk's tears?
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The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.   Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. EmptyMon Oct 03, 2022 8:20 pm

The Urban Cookie Collective.

Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Bunnyd10
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Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers.   Singers who come across like English teachers pretending to be singers. Empty

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