Songs where the album and single version of them are noticeaby different from each other Hitskin_logo

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 Songs where the album and single version of them are noticeaby different from each other

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The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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Songs where the album and single version of them are noticeaby different from each other Empty
PostSubject: Songs where the album and single version of them are noticeaby different from each other   Songs where the album and single version of them are noticeaby different from each other EmptyThu Jan 19, 2023 9:33 pm

The single version of Baker Street sounds like it's on speed compared to the album version.

Single version:

Album version:

Songs where the album and single version of them are noticeaby different from each other Bunnyd10
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Songs where the album and single version of them are noticeaby different from each other Empty
PostSubject: Re: Songs where the album and single version of them are noticeaby different from each other   Songs where the album and single version of them are noticeaby different from each other EmptyFri Jan 20, 2023 1:25 am

There was always nothing worse than spending £13.99 on an album and the track you were most excited about hearing wasn't the famous single version but a weak and inferior album version. evil
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Songs where the album and single version of them are noticeaby different from each other
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