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 TW. Today I had a conversation with a stranger.

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TW. Today I had a conversation with a stranger. Empty
PostSubject: TW. Today I had a conversation with a stranger.   TW. Today I had a conversation with a stranger. EmptyWed 25 Jul 2018 - 1:29

For any interesting (or not) moments of chitchat with people you don't know.

Today I shared a lift with a lady who had an exciting story. She told me she's taken the last seven weeks off work to look after her husband.
He was on a Vespa and was hit by the car following him. Badly Mrs Mangelled his leg.
I was so unable to get away taken by this story when we got out of the lift we stood aside and talked for another couple of minutes. He is learning to walk again. There was physio, making cups of tea, fights about remote controls.
The good news is he is expected to make a full recovery and hoping to be back at work on light duties by late August.
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TW. Today I had a conversation with a stranger.
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