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 TV theme tune tchat

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TV theme tune tchat Empty
PostSubject: TV theme tune tchat   TV theme tune tchat EmptySun Jan 15, 2023 1:53 am

I was just reading about the history of the Top of the Pops chart countdown theme "Yellow Pearl". There were two rather different versions of it during its 1981-1986 run:

The original more piano/synthy version (I think 1981-1983ish)...

...and a later re-done more rockier "guitar" version, as played by Midge Ure (1983ish-1986)

The former of course was released as a single with Phil Lynott singing on it; the latter has never been officially released on any format.

Last edited by Butterfield on Sun Jan 15, 2023 1:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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