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 Recurring dreams

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The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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Recurring dreams Empty
PostSubject: Recurring dreams   Recurring dreams EmptyThu Nov 21, 2019 7:57 pm

Mostly we soon forget our dreams and they fade away like early morning dew but some dreams are like boomerangs and keep coming back for more. Therefore, this is where we can post about our recurring dreams. Excited

Recurring dreams Bunnyd10
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The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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Recurring dreams Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recurring dreams   Recurring dreams EmptyThu Nov 21, 2019 7:59 pm

I have one that I can walk to places that are too far away to walk to in real life, such as Manchester or that there London, because I know a short cut.

Only a couple of nights ago, I dreamt that I walked to within yards of central Manchester from the eastern outskirts of Sheffield. Excited

Recurring dreams Bunnyd10
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Recurring dreams Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recurring dreams   Recurring dreams EmptyThu Nov 21, 2019 8:09 pm


Have you ever seen a Squonk's tears?
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Fangirl Three

Fangirl Three

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Recurring dreams Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recurring dreams   Recurring dreams EmptyFri Nov 22, 2019 5:44 am

JB Priestley wrote:
..that narrow thoroughfare to the west of the town. It is called Manchester Road because it actually leads you to that city, though in order to get there you will have to climb to the windy roof of England and spend an hour or two with the curlews.

My most common recurring dream is that I'm on the other side of London, having been to a party or something, and I have to walk across London to get to Liverpool Street station and catch a train home. And there are always all kinds of After Hours style shenanigans to stop me.

In one iteration I got to the station, but the last train had gone, so I just ran home down the railway tracks. box
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Recurring dreams Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recurring dreams   Recurring dreams EmptyFri Nov 22, 2019 11:39 am

I am in a mortuary being forced to watch the autopsy of a loved one. Nobody takes any notice of my begging to leave or my crying and screaming.

I am locked inside a coffin, in a silent grave, while a loved one decomposes beside me. Nobody can hear my attempts to get out or my crying and screaming.

In both cases, crying and screaming is how I wake up.

I have a couple of others...

Teeth dissolving or a related dental horror theme.

Dreaming that I'm dreaming and waking up in the dream on the morning of my English A-level to realise that it's all still to come - exams, results, uni, finals. That's always a great relief to wake up from and realise that it's not all still to come.

A killer has left a loved one for me to find after horrific things have been done to them - amputations, inverted eyelids, carvings, shaved bleeding heads, etc. With their terrified pain filled last look frozen in their staring eyes.

Running through a corridor with grey carpet and strip lighting, chased by a masked man wearing all black. No windows, no doors, just endless corridor, and round every corner a continuation of the corridor. He's never caught me and I never stop running.

In those four, I wake normally and filled with a quiet horror that takes a day or two to go away.
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The Call of the Wendigo
The Call of the Wendigo

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PostSubject: Re: Recurring dreams   Recurring dreams EmptyFri May 14, 2021 8:38 am

I had one of my recurring dreams, last night.

In it, I was trying to put my coat on but my elbow got stuck at the place where the sleeve meets the coat, because it was too narrow, and I couldn't get it on. bawl

Recurring dreams Bunnyd10
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Posts : 105869
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Recurring dreams Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recurring dreams   Recurring dreams EmptyFri May 14, 2021 2:21 pm


Have you ever seen a Squonk's tears?
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